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Dasa Maha Vidyas -  2

Some people say that there is a relation between Dasa Maha Vidyas and the planets. However, there is no authenticity to support this view. In some books of Tantra, it is mentioned that these vidyas have connection with Ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu which appears like a fabrication of later generations. There is a salutation of deities of ten directions mentioned in the twilight prayer (Sandhya Vandanam) chants. In this daily ritual performed by traditional people of India, the deities in all ten directions are saluted.

Everyone knows the Ten directions. They are the four main directions viz., East, West, North and South, four sub directions viz., South East, South West, North West and North East., above and below. The story of Goddess Sati Devi occupying the ten directions through ten forms are observed in some books of Tantra. These ten forms of Devi are Dasa Maha Vidyas. Planets and directions have specific connection related to the planet’s dominant influence in a particular direction. In this way, we can see the connection between Astrology and Dasa Maha Vidyas.

According to some, the ten important factors of an Astro chart represent the following ten forms of the Goddess:

Lagna – Lalita Tripura Sundari; Sun – Tripura Bhairavi; Moon – Bhuvaneswari; Mars – Bagalamukhi; Mercury – Matangi; Jupiter – Tara; Venus – Kamalatmika; Saturn – Kali ; Rahu – Chinnamasta; Ketu – Dhoomavati

Each one of the Dasa Maha Vidyas is great in its own way. They are not special deities, but various forms of the same God viewed as Universal Mother. So, anyone of them can grant both mundane and spiritual boons to the devotee. However, each one grants a specific boon, in accordance with the specific quality attributed to that form. Therefore, each vidya, rectifies specific area of deficiency.

Lagna is the most important factor in an Astro chart, so, according to some, devotion to Goddess Lalita is the ultimate thing. Sri Vidya is the method of worship of Lalita Devi and is the best practice among all spiritual practices. Let us keep this aside; astrologically, Jupiter and Venus are the best benefic planets. So, among the vidyas, gentle and soft ones are Tara and Kamala. They are Saraswati and Laxmi and are Satvik deities.

Sun, Mars are Rajasik planets. So, Tripura Bhairavi and Bagalamukhi are Rajasik deities. They have furious forms. Their Worship is difficult. Moon and Mercury are mixed planets, which means, based on their position in the chart, they can be either benefic or malefic. So, worshipping their presiding deities Matangi and Bhuvaneswari is a mix between Satvik and Rajasik nature.

The remaining planet is Saturn and the presiding deity is Kali. The deities of Rahu and Ketu are Chinnamasta and Dhoomavati. Worship of these deities is extremely difficult. Their worship includes many obstacles and scary tests. However, it is wrong to say these are Tamasik deities.

Each of these Goddesses has a specific Yantra, Mantra and Tantra attached to them. Some deities have many different mantras. Tara mantra has ten variations. Kali mantras are even many, starting with beeja mantras (one lettered mantras) to lengthy Mala (garland of letters) mantras.

Their method of practice depends upon the practitioner’s inner state and his eligibility. It is customary to get initiated into these secret practices from a Guru.

The guru must possess some special qualities. He must have achieved success in the mantra he is preaching. He must have thorough knowledge of its practice. Only then, the disciple can achieve success in the mantra. Above all, the guru must be unselfish. He must have realized Brahman. He must have overcome all his desires and passions. He must have devoted to moral and spiritual principles as his highest priority in life. Also, the disciple should be pure, celibate, truth seeking and persevering in sadhana. Only then, success is possible either in Tantra or Mantra, not otherwise.

All rights reserved. This article has been translated by Ranganath D, which was originally posted in on June 12, 2009. The content or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher.

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