The 12th house of the Astrological chart is the house of liberation (moksha) and freedom from limitations of a worldly existence. The houses triangular to 12th house are the 4th and 8th house. These three houses constitute Moksha Trikona. Using these three houses it is possible to know the secrets related to liberation of the native.
The 4th house indicates past life of the native. The 8th house indicates how the native has died in his past birth. 12th house indicates the situation of the native after death in this birth. So, these 3 houses put together provide details that help us in analyzing the hidden elements of the native’s chart. However, the student should have the capability to know how to interpret these houses.
The 4th house indicates happiness related to mother, education, home and vehicles. It is important to have a strong 4th house to be able to experience this happiness. Otherwise deficiencies may be observed in these areas.
The life of the native can be determined by looking at the 4th house. If the native has done good deeds in the past birth then this birth will bear fruits of those good actions. Hence to determine if the native is lucky or unlucky it is necessary to examine the 4th house.
Likewise, the 8th house indicates the manner in which the native died in his past birth. All the aspects related to this death are hidden in this house. 8th house indicates the subconscious state of mind. By analyzing the 8th house one can study the person hidden behind the mask and this would come up as a complete surprise and shock to the native.
Not only that, the 8th house also indicates the code of evolution. The things that need to be changed to evolve into the next level would be hidden in this house. It is advised to examine the 8th house for the tantra sadhakas, it gives a clear picture of the evolution. However, it is a very difficult house to study, unless there is some intuitive ability, it is not possible.
And the 12th house indicates how the native is going to die in this birth. We can find out the spirit’s journey after death, i.e. whether the spirit will travel to upper or lower realms. The journey to liberation can also be determined through the 12th house.
In the 4th house, the effect of Karma that the native is going to experience can be found. This is generally related to other human beings or related incidents. But 8th house shows the hidden mysteries, subconscious thoughts, obsessions and other feelings related to the dark side of the human psyche and also the issues carried through many births. In the 12th house the issues related to the final journey, i.e. death and the effects after death can be found.
As per Indian philosophy, Karma is of three types, Sanchita, Prarabdha, Aagami. The above three houses have a direct relation to these 3 types of Karma. Moksha not only means ultimate liberation but it is also related to the highest truth. The relevant question now is how do we get liberated from mundane life issues and incidents? What is the root cause of all these problems? Where is the basis for all these problems? Such questions are answered by examining the 4th, 8th and 12th houses.
Because all the above details are inherently available in these three houses, these houses are called Moksha Trikona (the triad of liberation). Analysis of the Moksha Trikona provides the details about the Code of Evolution of the native. The solutions to the haunting issues of human life can be found. Remedies may be performed to rectify such issues. However, remedies would be available only when the bad karma is not too strong. If the karma is too strong, remedies may not work at all or if one wants to perform remedies he may not be in a position to find the remedies or there may be obstacles in every step of the way.
All rights reserved. This article has been translated by Prashanthi K, which was originally posted in on January 4, 2010. The content or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher.